Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This blog is all about the history of astrology!

Have you ever looked up at the stars on a clear night and wondered about them? One need not believe in astrology to see that others believe(d) and act(ed) on their belief. As Bouche-Leclercq says, "it is not a waste of time to study how others have wasted their time."
Dr. Lester Ness has devoted his academic career to the study of ancient astrology. He is a leading scholar in his field. The goal of this particular work Written in the Stars is to solve why zodiac mosaics appear in Israeli synagogues. More broadly, it explains how and why Hellenic Jews used astrology. This volume explores origins of synagogue mosaics and provides useful information concerning astrology around the world.
This book also provides a guide to the history of astrology; nearly unique, of the thousands of titles published each year on astrology, few are concerned with astrological history. The common reference works on occult practices are not reliable for history. Beginning with research the author did on his doctoral dissertation, zodiac mosaics found in ancient Israeli synagogues, it then reflects interests in religious and artistic aspects of astrology; culminating with a reference work aimed at students and educated lay folk alike. Click HERE to read sample chapters from this work!

Written in the Stars

MPM 1:
Written In the Stars: Ancient Zodiac Mosaics

by Dr. Lester Ness
ISBN 0-9677201-1-7
$39.95 Cloth Bound


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